Owen’s Tumor Troopers Rally Together
Community raises support for the Deavers Family
October 10, 2018
This summer, a dedicated member of the school community faced a massive hardship.
Band Director, Elizabeth Deavers, her family went through one of the hardest difficulties a parent can face. Her youngest son, Owen, has been diagnosed with Craniopharyngioma. It is a brain tumor that is commonly found in younger children. Owen’s tumor is this case, was found to be benign.
“We are trying to help a family in our community, we have two wonderful teachers, Ms. Deavers here as our band teacher and her husband at Fauquier High School.” Psychology teacher Jessica Murphy said.
“I chose to help because Mrs. Deavers is a friend and as a parent she and her husband are going through a situation that unfathomable. Owen deserves all the support that we can give him, but so does Graham.” Murphy said. “Illness is something that impacts the entire family. We are still thinking up ways to support the family financially because the medical bills for this condition will continue to amass.”
There is currently an on-going fundraiser on GoFundMe for the Deavers family to help offset the cost for medical and travel expenses. The page has a $10,000 goal, and it almost been met since it was put up at the beginning of June. Many people have come together to help support this family in a time of need.
The school community has started to help raise money for the Deavers. Numerous clubs and departments are either hosting fundraisers or finding other ways to help support the family.
The SCA declared Wednesday, September 13 a “gray-out” day for spreading awareness on brain cancer. During the school day, the entire school showed up covered head-to-toe in gray to support Owen.
“We declared it a “gray-out” to support the Deavers family,” SCA President Harper Crater said. “At the end of the day that’s what this is all about — Owen and his family.”“We’re all really excited to do our part in helping and being active in support of the Deavers family!” Crater said.
The Fauquier Talons of Steel Pans Band and Liberty High School’s pep band came together to play while the Warrenton Chick-fil-A hosted a fundraiser on Saturday September 8. The band played songs such as “Conga Line”, “Jump in the Line” and “Langery”.
“When I first heard about the Deavers Family having to go through this last May, I had the idea of our Steel Pans performing a benefit concert right after the end of the school year.” Fauquier High School Band Director Andrew Paul said. “We couldn’t work it out because of summer travels. So, I contacted Mr. Lombardo at Liberty and asked him about joining us on something like this once school started again.”
The Psychology Club set up a table at the lunch shifts during the Thursday before spirit week, they provided pictures for students to color.“We let students color pictures with words of support for Owen and his older brother Graham.” said Murphy. “They were placed in a decorated binder for them to look at.”
Joining together as a community to help a family in need is what Fauquier County Public Schools is all about. If you or someone you know can donate money please go to https://www.gofundme.com/forthedeavers.