Wake Up and Smell the Cougar Cafe Coffee

How this caffeinated drink could improve school mornings

Should students be even more caffeinated?

Or is this a temporary solution to a deep seeded problem?

A large number of the student body admit to not getting enough sleep before school.

The Cougar Cafe could provide a much needed solution to this apparent problem; however, most students don’t even know it exists in that namesake.

Teachers are allowed to consume coffee, but the sale of coffee to students is outlawed by the current school rule. Perhaps an alteration of this rule could mean the gaining of energy for the students and revenue for the cafe.

The Cougar Cafe is a namesake taken by the cafeteria, and is an incredibly convenient place to dispense coffee. The school already possesses coffee makers, such as in the break rooms, and plenty of cold space for iced coffee. Students already stop by the cafe before homeroom because of their breakfast dispensing capacities. It seems like a natural inclusion for coffee to be involved.

Students regularly come to school tired and zoned out, resulting in lax participation in first or even second blocks.

“I come to school tired every day,” senior Tanner Frazier said.

The normalcy of this statement in a school-wide setting appears to be the norm. Most students look like zombies in the mornings, especially those going without caffeine. Even when on the quest for caffeine, some students are affected on their path. School should be a place where students are attentive and ready to learn naturally, not through bright lights and loud voices. Students shouldn’t come to school irritated and fighting themselves to stay awake.

“I do have to bring my own coffee, it makes me run late in the mornings,” senior Alexa Jade said.

It isn’t like someone who is used to coffee bringing them energy can just quit cold turkey to get a few minutes back. If some were able to grab some pre-brewed coffee they could keep to a better schedule. When it comes to how much time it takes students to brew coffee in the mornings, it seems like results vary.

“I set it the night before so all I have to do is pour it,” Frazier said. “Ten to 15 minutes for the coffee to brew and then five to make it,” Jade said.

Both of these have flaws. Frazier’s plan seems to work for him, but when a student is exhausted post-school they might be inclined to fall asleep and forget entirely to brew a cup, starting a cycle of eternal drowsiness. Jade’s plan could remain effective because it’s in the morning, so forgetting is less likely, but it takes time, causing potential lateness.

Coffee isn’t optional for some students – it’s a need. Sleep deprivation is a legitimate issue, and many students are affected. Being up so early and asleep so late isn’t the norm, and can lead to legitimate psychological issues. Coffee being sold in the cafe could solve many problems for students, and make them more attentive and on time.