Child Development Gets Experience

Technology allows students to gain knowledge about parenthood

Chris Dodson, Viewpoint Editor

Students in the Child Development class get to experience what it is like to be responsible for a baby.
Madison Derlam
Students in the Child Development class get to experience what it is like to be responsible for a baby.

Lori Rudolph’s Child Development class is offering a new service to faculty and staff this year–childcare.

Special Education teacher Michelle Erwin is thrilled with the new service.

“We benefit from knowing EJ will get to the bus stop in time and safely,” Erwin said. “I can hold meetings earlier and go to my department meetings that start at 7:10 a.m. without worrying if he is happy, where he is, and who he is with.”

Assistant Principal Mark Malloy said this new service has many advantages.

“It has given my kids an opportunity to be with other kids and meet new people,” Malloy said. “It has allowed me to use my office in the morning, without kicking my kids out of it.”

Malloy’s children are also enjoying their time spent with the older kids.

“Markie likes to hang out with his friends,” Malloy said. “Gloria likes to do art. I think the service has been good; my kids are aware of the time and when to go downstairs to the classroom. I hope others will use the opportunity.”

In addition to childcare, students in this class learn how to raise a child and what it takes to be a parent. In order to learn, students carry a computerized baby for a week. The class also discusses controversial issues and tough topics such as abortion and STDs.

“The main purpose of the class is to introduce students who are interested in going into early child education, run daycares, things like that,” said Rudolph. “It is a way to get them started in that field and what would be required to get them in that position.”

The class is more popular among female students. Currently, there is only one male enrolled in the class.

Former Child Development student Sasha Kelly said, “The main reason that I took the class was because I wanted the fake baby.”

Sophomore Adita Pertica said, “I wanted to be a neonatal nurse when I get older so I thought it would be a good idea to take the class.”

“I took the class because I wanted to learn more about babies,” said junior Breauna Jones.

Rudolph would like to see more male students enroll in the class. She believes the main reason more males don’t take the class is because they are grossed out by the subject matter.

“It is partly because the subject matter is awkward for them because a lot of it has to do with the female reproductive system and what happens with that, like getting pregnant, going into labor, and all that good stuff,” Rudolph said. “I think that they are just uneasy with the subject matter.”