Winter MVPs Exceed Expectations

A season of record-breaking athletes

Between breaking records and going to states, this year will be remembered as one of the greats.

These winter athletes have gone above and beyond and earned the Most Valued Player award in their respective sport. Throughout the year, these players have shown dedication, perseverance, and commitment for the betterment of the team.

Tyler Trimble, the star of the basketball team, earned the MVP award after an astounding year at the center position. He was a dominant presence inside and was always a player who could get double-doubles as well as lead the team.

“Tyler always brought a very intense attitude to practice, and worked hard everyday,” sophomore Jonathan Keen said.

Trimble lead the team on and off the field helping the team get better, Trimble was a team captain and a senior leader. On the other side of basketball, the MVP of the girl’s basketball team was Nicole Bayliff. The post scoring machine, Nicole, was able to lead the team both on and off the court.

“Nicole was always happy and supportive of the team, she always tried to make her teammates better and was a team player,” freshman Faith Schaefer said. “She was the vocal leader on the court and was always communicated on defense.”

This year’s swim team was history in the making, lead by superstars junior Caitlyn Adair and senior Andy Whitted, the swim team floated all the way to states placing third.

“Caitlyn also always pushed us to be the best we could because of her talent,” sophomore Ella Biasillo said. “She was always willing to help us with our technique and was always cheering and pulling for us.”

Whitted was also an MVP.

“Andy was our team captain and he was amazing at leading the team, He always pushed us to do our best and his encouragement was stellar,” Biasillo said.

The track team also had a successful season with a run at states that was led by Mateo Barreto and Sofie Haugsdahl, who both won the MVP awards this winter. Barreto had a personal best mile time of 4 minutes and 34 seconds this season.

“Mateo is a hard worker and always comes with a good attitude every single day. He encourages others by pushing his teammates to do better,” track coach Myraida Davis said.

Haugsdahl, who competes in shot put, also made it to states, and won states last year.

“Sofie brought cookies throughout the season for the team to help the team spirit and team bonding, and she was like the glue that held the team together,” said Davis.

The wrestling MVP was Casen Chumley, a team captain who placed second in states.

“Casen always pushed us to do our best on and off the mat,” freshman Devin Been said. “Casen always went 110 percent and encouraged us to do the same and also put time and effort in every practice.”

Finally, senior Gehrig Faircloth was the MVP of the academic team, leading the team to a successful season.

“Gehrig was a really great player, but what set him apart from the rest of the players was his never ending drive in competition and his combative nature to succeed,” said Coach Joseph Golimowski. “He also always supported the team and kept the team going even in the face of defeat.”

Through hardship and success these MVPs shined throughout the year. Only time will tell what the bright young futures of these MVPs hold. Several seniors will continue their athletic careers in college.