New Kettle Run Quarterback Beau Lang Takes the Field by Storm

Garret Hall, Staff Writer

With the graduation of former Kettle Run quarterback Elijah Chumley, there was left an opening for someone to take the role. Brentsville transfer Beau Lang showed up to compete for the starting quarterback spot. Beau and Abram Chumley were the two considerations for starting quarterback. The coaches ultimately decided to have Beau as quarterback and have Abram play tight end.

 Beau describes himself as a dual threat quarterback, an efficient passer, but also able to run the ball if the play breaks down. He does not shy away from contact and is willing to fight tackles for extra yardage if needed. He’s been fitting into the offense very well and is learning very quickly. 

On August 20th, the Cougars played a preseason scrimmage at Eastern View. Beau had an outstanding first half, throwing 3 touchdown passes and 2 two-point conversions. He made some very impressive throws during the scrimmage; running outside of the pocket with heavy pressure from a defender, he connected with Jordan Tapscott for a touchdown.

Following the Eastern View scrimmage, Beau also played great during the cougars first game against Heritage. Throughout the game he threw for 175 yards and 1 touchdown pass. On top of the passing game he had 127 rushing yards and 3 rushing touchdowns. Beau made some very impressive runs throughout the game, especially the spin move he used to get around a defender for an extra couple of yards. He isn’t just a flashy runner, he also is an extremely physical runner. Multiple times Beau hit a defender and continued to push for more yards, where most other quarterbacks would just slide to avoid taking a hit. 

When asked about his goals for this year, Beau responded “A personal goal of mine is to be an All-Region Quarterback.” He also added to the response saying “I want to help lead the team to a regional final game and win the county.” 

It’s safe to say Kettle Run football is in good hands with Beau Lang in the backfield.