Celebrating Success at State Fair

Agriculture wins second and third in Va state fair

Jackson Rogers, Assistant Editor

  Several clubs headed down to Richmond, VA earlier this month to compete in the state fair.

     “The state fair is just like your average county fair, but ten times bigger and ten times as fun,” Stephanie Stats, junior, said. “There’s so many things you could do there, including a Scotty McCreery concert this year. There’s ton of competitions and a lot of animal shows too.”

    Kathryn Kiser, culinary teacher, took members of the FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) to the fair.

     “There are four competitions, all that promote FCCLA awareness,” Kiser said. “Tristan Brown, senior, won digital poster for the second year in a row.”

     Kiser looks forward to this trip every year.

     “The state fair kicks off our membership drive and allows students to get to know one another,” Kiser explained. ”They often will work on entries together. The state fair is the first state competition for each school year.”

     Lori Rudolph, teacher, took several HOSA (Heath Occupation Students of America) members to the state fair.  

     “We had two projects place,” Rudolph said. “Ryan Granache and Alexis Denson got second place for mental health awareness poster and Savannah Roda and Ashley Gentry won third place for a medicine reminder poster.”

     Both posters are on display outside the classroom for students or faculty who are interested in seeing them. Rudolph also finds value in her annual trip to the fair.

     “I think it is important for the kids to go to this because it gives them a chance to work in a team/partnership environment,” Rudolph explained. “They also have a deadline that has to met, as well as specific parameters that have to be met for the project to be accepted into the competition.”

     Although students have to work, they still have time to ride the rides and hang with friends.

     “They have a great time at the fair every year,” Rudolph said. “I give them times that they have to check in with me and they are responsible for making sure that they meet that time.  But my favorite thing is just spending time with the kids away from school in a more relaxed setting and just watching them be kids!”