Making Memories One Last Time

Seniors hit the slopes on the senior ski trip


photo from Meaghan Meador
Posing for a quick picture, seniors Meaghan Meador, Nicole Piercy, Jill Bennett, Caroline Thompson, and Anna Lee spend the day tubing.

Most students love the second term. It allows them to unwind and get ready for the summer

Seniors, however, have to deal with college acceptances and other stressful items. Luckily, they have a ski trip to let them unload some stress on the slopes.

There are many options of activities to do, such as skiing/snowboarding, tubing, or an afternoon experience at the water park.

“I did the all-day skiing because I know how to ski so I don’t need to do the water park or anything like that,” senior Jude Schmidt said.

Senior Isabelle Jontz said a similar thing, “I did the all-day skiing because I’m practically a professional skier,” Jontz said. “You can catch me on the slopes all the time.”

Prices ranged from $75 to $152, depending on what package senior picked.

Some seniors were unhappy with the large price tag but dealt with it for the fun experience.

“I feel it was way too expensive,” Schmidt said.

“I could have easily drove up there myself and done the same things for half the price.”

Senior Amanda Frankhouser agreed. “I mean it would be nice to have it at a lower price point,” Frankhouser said. “But I dealt with it so I could go have a good time with my friends.”

The seniors walked away from this trip with a fun time, a day off of school, but most importantly, great memories with their friends that will last their whole life.

“I really liked the water park,” senior Wanye Solomon said. “It was fun relaxing in the hot tub and just chilling out with my friends.”

Solomon spent his day relaxing on the lazy river and warming up in the hot tub.

Senior Noah Podpaly will never forget an incident that happened on the ski lift.

“I thought it was hilarious when Zander missed the drop off for one of the ski lifts,” Podpaly said. “There was two different spots to get off a ski lift to get up to a hill. Well, Zander missed the first one and ended up jumping off of the lift, ten feet into the air, and just landed right on his knees.”

Senior Javier Medina Jr. also had a not so great experience on the slopes. “It was my first time skiing, so I wasn’t very coordinated with my abilities,” Medina said. “I ended up falling 17 times on one trip down the hill. In total, I hit three people and almost took out a child.” Medina quickly traded in his skis for a relaxing afternoon at the water park.

“I went to the arcade in the water park for a large part of my time,” Medina said.  “At said arcade, I won enough tickets to get my new best friend, Chip. Chip is my new chocolate chip cookie stuffed pillow. He will help me sleep at night for forever.”

First time skier Amanda Frankhouser had a scary incident happen on the slopes. As she prepared to go down a Black Diamond, she fell and injured her leg.

“It was scary at first, waiting around for the medics to come up to help me down the hill,” Frankhouser said. “It was fun, however, passing all my friends on a sled and seeing their faces when they looked at me and my leg all wrapped up.”

Senior Jack Powers was one of her friends that watched as she was carried off on a sled.

“It was crazy watching Amanda getting pulled down the hill surrounded by paramedics,” Powers said. “I was even surprised to see her going down the Black Diamond in the first place since it was her first time skiing.”

Senior Joseph Kim loved how the trip brought the senior class together. He realized this was one of the events he would share with so many of his friends.

“I really enjoyed the trip as a whole,” Kim said. “It was a good bonding experience.”

Schmidt also said he made memories that day that he will carry with him for the rest of his life.

“While I will remember the constant face plants with all of my friends, it can be forgotten,” Schmidt said. “However, the whole day hanging out with my classmates will never be forgotten. Getting closer with people I didn’t really know will make when I graduate so much more memorable, for I will know every single persons name who is called.”

While more than 100 seniors went on the trip, there were many who decided not to go or could not go. Senior boys basketball players and cheerleaders were not able to attend due to a basketball game that night.

“I didn’t go because I had a basketball game that day,” senior Drew Nowland said. “I can’t miss a game to go snowboarding, which I can do whenever I want for less.”

Senior Leith Benali chose not to attend for personal reasons.

“I honestly just didn’t want to, it didn’t seem that fun,” Benali said. “Also, my girlfriend wasn’t going so I thought why bother.”

As the seniors count down their days to graduation, they still have a few events to look forward to. The senior picnic and prom are two more occasions where they can spend time with their friends before walking across the stage in May for graduation